Saturday 14 September 2013

St Helena's Oratory

On a cold misty September morning we drove towards Cape Cornwall to visit St Helena's Oratory.  We were me,  Ma, Pa and Ems. The mist was swirling around us as we got out the car.  We could hear the crashing of the sea and yet we could not see the sea.  We set off across the field 100 or so metres to inspect the Holy place we had come to visit.  There it was standing in the field.  The roof was long gone but the stone built Hermitage remained. 

It led me to consider again what makes a place holy.  How is God served and his glory shared an such an isolated and remote setting.

Did I feel closer to God as I looked upon this 'holy place'.  In the rain and the mist I have to confess I did not.  It was for me an earie place.  MayBe in the sunshine I would have felt differently.